Next Stammtisch: April 26, 2024, 6 pm at Der Biergarten šŸ»

Spring has finally arrived and we are going to celebrate our Stammtisch outside again šŸŒž

Our April Stammtisch will take place on Friday April 26, 2024 at 6 pm at the Biergarten on K Street in Sacramento.

Here is how you can get there:

Enjoy some delicious German food (they have super deliciousĀ KƤsespƤtzle and Schnitzel šŸ™‚ and drinks with us, speak some German, or speak about German food, culture, and traditions, and meet other learners of German. Feel free to bring your family, friends, dogs and whoever would like to experience an authentic German BiergartenĀ vibe in Sacramento and let’s have a “gemĆ¼tliche Zeit” together.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out using our contact form.

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