Next Stammtisch: March 22, 2024, 6 pm at Pangea Bier Cafe šŸ»

Looking to combine speaking German with drinking German? We are meeting on Friday,Ā March 22, 2024,Ā at 6 pmĀ inĀ Pangaea Bier CafeĀ on FranklinĀ Blvd.Ā Ā We have a separate room reserved for theĀ Stammtisch people only, so we can all happily chit-chat amongst each other (in German preferably – but not mandatory šŸ˜‰ Here is how you can get there:Ā Enjoy some […]

Next Stammtisch: February 9, 2024, 6 pm at Pangea Bier Cafe šŸ»

It’s already time forĀ ourĀ FebruaryĀ Stammtisch! We have planned this one a little earlierĀ in the month because many people will travel later in February. We are meeting on Friday,Ā February 9, 2024,Ā at 6 pmĀ inĀ Pangaea Bier CafeĀ on FranklinĀ Blvd.Ā Ā We have a separate room reserved for theĀ Stammtisch people only, so we can all happily chit-chat amongst each other (in German preferably […]

Next Stammtisch: Saturday, September 23, 6 pm at Midtown Biergarten

Our September Stammtisch Oktoberfest Edition is here. As you might know, this weekend the OG Oktoberfest in Munich started, so our September Stammtisch will be all about the Oktoberfest. We would be happy to see you wearing your Dirndl or Lederhose if you have one. Enjoy some delicious food and drinks with us, speak German, or speak about German food, culture, […]