Spring registration is open – Classes start March 24
Spring classes are here! No matter where you are in your language learning journey, we have something for you. 📚 Class Offerings (Spring 2025): How to sign up 🖋️ Registration for our late fall session is now open, and short cuts to the registration are below. Classes will run March 24 through May…
🎵 German Karaoke Night: Friday, Mar 14, 2025 🎤
As announced in our previous Stammtisch invitation, March brings you a lively German Karaoke experience! Come ready to sing, laugh, and enjoy authentic German musical culture with friends both new and old. Event Details Date: Friday, March 14, 2025Time: 6:30 pmLocation: Sacramento Turn VereinAddress: 3349 J St, Sacramento, CA 95816 What…
Next Stammtisch: Feb 28, 2025, 6 pm at Pangaea Bier…
Looking to practice your German in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere? Come to our February Stammtisch! We’ll gather at Pangaea Bier Cafe in Sacramento, where you can enjoy authentic German beers and casual conversation in German. Date: Friday, February 28, 2025Time: 6 pmLocation: Pangaea Bier Cafe, 2743 Franklin Blvd, Sacramento Whether…
Winter Stammtisch: Jan 10, 2025, 6 pm at Pangaea Bier…
Looking to practice your German in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere? Come to our first Stammtisch of 2025! We’ll gather at Pangaea Bier Cafe in Sacramento, where you can enjoy authentic German beers and casual conversation in German. Date: Friday January 10, 2025Time: 6 pmLocation: Pangaea Bier Cafe, 2743 Franklin Blvd,…
Winter registration is open – Classes start January 13 ⛄️
This semester, we will offer a travel class again. Read on below to find more details. As for our regularly scheduled program, we have a lot of language classes on the calendar this session, so no matter where you are in your language learning journey, we have something for…
Christkindlmarkt Dec 7-8 🎄
Join us for an authentic Christmas market with German food & drinks, gifts and crafts, baked good, entertainment and live music. Our school will be hosting a craft area for kids! Admission is $5 for adults and free for children under 15 years. We’re excited to celebrate the holiday season with…
Placement Test for Heritage Speakers Nov 16
Is your child a German heritage speaker interested in taking a language test? Or does your child want to test out of college language requirements? We would love your input in developing the right course. Join us with your child for an information session and placement test! When: November 16,…
Late Fall registration is open – Classes start October 19…
This semester, we will offer a holiday-themed cooking class again – in November. Read on below to find more details. As for our regularly scheduled program, we have a lot of language classes on the calendar this session, so no matter where you are in your language learning journey,…
Oktoberfest Stammtisch: September 27, 2024, 6 pm at Der Biergarten…
Our May Stammtisch will take place on Friday September 27, 2024 at 6 pm at the Biergarten on K Street in Sacramento. As you might know, this coming weekend the OG Oktoberfest in Munich will start (on September 21), so our September Stammtisch will be all about the Oktoberfest. We would be happy to see you wearing your Dirndl or…
Next Stammtisch: August 30, 2024, 6 pm at Der Biergarten…
Our May Stammtisch will take place on Friday, August 30, 2024 at 6 pm at the Biergarten on K Street in Sacramento. Here is how you can get there: Enjoy some delicious German food (they have super delicious Käsespätzle and Schnitzel 🙂 and drinks with us, speak some German, or speak about German food,…
Early Fall Class Registration is Open! 📋
We are now accepting registrations for our early fall session. Classes run from August 12 to October 9, 2024. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your skills, we have a class for you. Register now and join us for an enriching language learning experience! We offer a variety…
Early Fall 2024 Schedule Available 🗓️
We hope you are enjoying your Sommerferien despite the heat wave here in Sacramento. If you are wondering about when classes start back up again, we have some news for you. We’ve posted the Early Fall schedules, with some teachers to be announced. 📆 Children’s Schedule 📆 Adult Schedule Registration…
Next Stammtisch: June 28, 2024, 6 pm at Der Biergarten…
Our May Stammtisch will take place on Friday June 28, 2024 at 6 pm at the Biergarten on K Street in Sacramento. Here is how you can get there: Enjoy some delicious German food (they have super delicious Käsespätzle and Schnitzel 🙂 and drinks with us, speak some German, or speak about German food,…
Movie Night on Thursday June, 13 at Tower Theatre 🍿
Join us on Thursday, June 13 at 5:35pm at Tower Theatre for a re-run to mark the 25th anniversary of a German classic! 🎥 “Run Lola Run” (original title: “Lola rennt”) is a 1998 German film directed by Tom Tykwer. It is known for its innovative narrative structure, fast-paced editing,…
It’s getting warm in Sacramento. And warm weather means it’s Biergarten weather! 🌞 Our May Stammtisch will take place on Friday May 24, 2024 at 6 pm at the Biergarten on K Street in Sacramento. Here is how you can get there: Enjoy some delicious German food (they have super delicious Käsespätzle and Schnitzel 🙂…
Student Spotlight: Tim Cahill
Tim has been an integral part of the GLS community for approximately 10 years. His journey began at Level B1-B2, and he has since excelled in Intermediate Conversation classes. But Tim’s talents extend beyond language learning. Passionate Writer and Musician: Tim’s creative spirit shines through his writing. He enjoys crafting stories…
Summer Class Registration is Open!
Registration for our shorter summer classes is now officially open. The full course schedules are available here: 🗓️ Adults Summer Classes 🗓️ Children’s Summer Classes We offer a variety of classes designed to cater to different interests and proficiency levels. Whether you’re starting your German language adventure or looking to…
Next Stammtisch: April 26, 2024, 6 pm at Der Biergarten…
Spring has finally arrived and we are going to celebrate our Stammtisch outside again 🌞 Our April Stammtisch will take place on Friday April 26, 2024 at 6 pm at the Biergarten on K Street in Sacramento. Here is how you can get there: Enjoy some delicious German food (they have super delicious Käsespätzle and…
Celebrate Spring at the Bockbierfest on April 13 🐐🍺
Join us for the 54th annual Bockbierfest! Here are the details: What’s a Bockbier? Bockbier is a traditional Bavarian beer known for its dark color and higher alcohol content. It has a rich history dating back to the mid-1200s in Germany. Legend has it that the name “Bock” originated from the…
Reminder: no classes this Saturday, April 6
As we approach the weekend, we want to inform you about a special event that will impact our class schedule. Fahnenweihe, a significant celebration, is taking place on Saturday, April 6. In light of this event, there will be no classes held at the STV German Language School on that day. Please mark…
Next Stammtisch: March 22, 2024, 6 pm at Pangea Bier…
Looking to combine speaking German with drinking German? We are meeting on Friday, March 22, 2024, at 6 pm in Pangaea Bier Cafe on Franklin Blvd. We have a separate room reserved for the Stammtisch people only, so we can all happily chit-chat amongst each other (in German preferably – but not mandatory 😉 Here is how you…
Embark on a Journey with ‘German for Travelers’
Are you planning a trip to Germany or a German-speaking region? Make your travel experience even more enriching by joining our ‘German for Travelers’ class at STV German Language School this Spring! Our course is tailored for those on the move, covering essential phrases and cultural tips that will help…
Spring Class Registration is Open!
Registration for our Spring classes is now officially open! The full course schedules are available here: 🗓️ Adults Spring Classes 🗓️ Children’s Spring Classes We offer a variety of classes designed to cater to different interests and proficiency levels. Whether you’re starting your German language adventure or looking to refine…
Next Stammtisch: February 9, 2024, 6 pm at Pangea Bier…
It’s already time for our February Stammtisch! We have planned this one a little earlier in the month because many people will travel later in February. We are meeting on Friday, February 9, 2024, at 6 pm in Pangaea Bier Cafe on Franklin Blvd. We have a separate room reserved for the Stammtisch people only, so we can all happily chit-chat amongst…
Next Stammtisch: January 19, 2024, 5 pm at Pangea Bier…
It’s a new year, Winter classes have started, and we hope everyone is enjoying getting a head-start on your New Year’s resolutions to learn more German! But hey, we’re not just about hard work and Hausaufgaben. We also love to have fun, socialize, and get to know each other better.…
Winter 2024 Schedule and Registration available
Schedules for our upcoming sessions in December, January, February and March are available now, and registration is open. Our highlights this season? We have an Intermediate B1 back on the schedule, as well as a German for Travelers class, which is a great way to prepare for a trip to…
Gift the Joy of Language: Introducing Store Gift Cards 🎄🎁
We're excited to unveil a new addition to our offerings just in time for the festive season! The German Language School Shop is now offering gift cards, making your holiday shopping a breeze.
Nikolausfeier on December 1, 2023 🎅🏻
Join us for a festive night at the Turn Verein @ 6:00 pm, December 1, 2023 St. Nicholas Day is a cherished celebration in Germany and beyond. Traditionally on December 6, children eagerly await surprises as they leave polished shoes for St. Nicholas to fill with treats like chocolate, cookies, mandarins, apples,…
Join us at the Christkindlmarkt 🎄 December 2-3, 2023
The Sacramento Turn Verein’s Actives section will host the annual Christkindlmarkt at the Turn Verein the first weekend of December. Doors open at 10 am on Saturday for family friendly activities including arts and crafts, many local vendors, and of course traditional German Christmas music, food, and drink. Call for volunteers:Our…
The German-American Cultural Center–Library presents: The inner German border during the…
November 17, 7:30 p.m. at the STV Library 📚 Entrance is free; donations are appreciated for snacks and beverages. Our speaker, Jeffry Cannon, was a member of the U.S. Army during the 1970s, and was stationed in West Germany as a border guard on the Inner German Border–the borders between West and…
St. Martin’s Day
Next Stammtisch: Saturday, September 23, 6 pm at Midtown Biergarten
Our September Stammtisch Oktoberfest Edition is here. As you might know, this weekend the OG Oktoberfest in Munich started, so our September Stammtisch will be all about the Oktoberfest. We would be happy to see you wearing your Dirndl or Lederhose if you have one. Enjoy some delicious food and drinks with us, speak German, or…
Next Stammtisch: Friday, August 25, 6 pm at Midtown Biergarten
More News
Children’s Classes for the early fall semester
Dear parents, As some of you might already know, at this point we do NOT have a teacher and will have to cancel all children’s classes for the early fall semester (heritage classes are fortunately continuing). We are very sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you and are actively…
Please pardon our dust!
We’re thrilled to announce the grand launch of our new website after months of hard work, collecting feedback, and refining every detail. What’s in store for you? • A brand-new, user-friendly store for hassle-free merchandise purchase and class registration – no more Paypal required! • Stay up-to-date with the latest…
Early Fall Schedule 2023 available
The schedule for our upcoming sessions in August and September is available now. 🗓️ Adult schedule Early Fall 2023 🗓️ Children’s schedule Early Fall 2023
Teachers wanted!
Wir haben oft mehrere Stellen frei und suchen auch Vertretungslehrer*innen (Kinder- und Erwachsenenklassen). Der Unterricht für Erwachsene findet Montag, Dienstag oder Mittwoch abends zwischen 18 und 21:15 Uhr statt. Die Kinderklassen finden in der Regel Samstag morgens von 9 bis 12 Uhr statt. Gehalt variiert je nach Ausbildung. Alle Lehrstellen…
Description Die Deutschschule des Sacramento TurnVereins stellt Deutschlehrer*innen für die Kinderklassenein. Erforderlich sind gute Kenntnisse der deutschen Sprache, vorzugsweise als Muttersprache. Unterrichtserfahrung ist erwünscht, aber nicht unbedingt erforderlich. Sie sollten einen wertschätzenden Umgang mit Menschen und gute kommunikative und pädagogische Fähigkeiten haben. Wir wünschen uns motivierte und begeisterungsfähige Lehrkräfte, die…
Save the date: Maifest on May 7, 2023
Doors open at 11 am Hallo ihr Lieben, we would like to invite you to celebrate our yearly Maifest with us. There will be delicious German food and beer–including Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) and specialties like Spätzle (cheese dumplings), Leberkäse, Bratwurst, beer, Maibowle (May punch), and Spaghetti Ice Cream. The Alpentänzer…
Next Stammtisch: Feb 24 @ 6pm
Join us for our next Stammtisch at Cafe Dantorels in Curtis Park!